Whether you are a Fish and Wildlife Officer, or a non officer supporter you can be part of the N.A.W.E.O.A. team today by becoming a member. Select the correct category below. Let us share the benefits of membership with you! If you are an officer from outside the North American continent you should apply for Associate Membership.
Officer or Deputy Memberships
Officer; Any Provincial, State or Federal Enforcement Agency or member of that agency on the North American Continent which has the lead role within their area of responsibility for enforcing regulations pertaining to Wildlife and/or Fisheries may upon application, be considered for regular membership.
Deputy; Any part-time, non-salaried, credentialed (certified) law enforcement officer, or so called Deputy Warden, of any law enforcement agency on the North American continent which has the lead role, within its area of responsibility, in the enforcement of wildlife and/or fisheries laws and regulations, may upon application, be considered for Deputy Warden Membership.
Jurisdiction or Officer Association Memberships
This category is for officer associations or jurisdictions. All officers on the roster must be, or were, a full-time, salaried, credentialed (certified) law enforcement officer and must have the lead role, within its area of responsibility, in the enforcement of wildlife/fisheries laws/regulations.
Associate or Affiliated Organization Memberships
Associate; Those persons who are not fish and wildlife wildlife officers, or not from the North American Continent, but are supportive of fish and wildlife enforcement, to become part of NAWEOA as an associate member.
Affiliated Organization; A Group supporter of wildlife officers (such as sportsman clubs, gun clubs, conservation groups, colleges etc.)
Deputy Membership
Jurisdiction or Officer Association Membership
Affiliated Organization Associate Membership
Officer Membership
Associate Membership
Standard Membership Application